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✓ Interactive Scrum Poker
✓ Color and Dark Themes
✓ Google Calendar Integration
✓ Flexible and customizable Kanban boards
✓ Link lines between tasks on boards
✓ Built-in interactive chat
✓ Detailed task metrics
✓ Sprint retrospectives
✓ Burn-down charts
✓ Interactive Scrum Poker
✓ Color and dark themes
✓ Google Calendar integration
✓ Unlimited users
✓ Flexible and customizable Kanban boards
✓ Link lines between tasks on boards
✓ Built-in interactive chat
✓ Detailed task metrics
✓ Sprint retrospectives
✓ Burn-down charts
✓ Interactive Scrum Poker
✓ Color and dark themes
✓ Google Calendar integration
✓ Unlimited users
✓ Flexible and customizable Kanban boards
✓ Link lines between tasks on boards
✓ Built-in interactive chat
✓ Detailed task metrics
✓ Sprint retrospectives
✓ Burn-down charts
✓ Interactive Scrum Poker
✓ Color and dark themes
✓ Google Calendar integration
✓ Unlimited users
✓ Flexible and customizable Kanban boards
✓ Link lines between tasks on boards
✓ Built-in interactive chat
✓ Detailed task metrics
✓ Sprint retrospectives
✓ Burn-down charts
💯 No limits at all! 🚀
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